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Easy Steps To Burning Fat This Fall'16 And Keeping It Off In The New Year

Believe it or not, you already have the perfect six pack. Yes! thats right, you just can't see it because it's covered with a layer of belly fat. All you have to do is strip away that stubborn fat, tone up the underlying muscle and you'll be ripped beyond your expectations. However, this is easier said than done so here are a few ways to make this seemingly impossible task a reality:


There are a number of things you can do to burn fat, here is your best bet: Carb Cycling, to boost your metabolism alternate a low carb diet with designated high carb days. My coach introduced me to this method and guided me all the way until it was time to hit the stage. Typically we did 4 day carb cycles. So basically you start off on a high carb cycle for the initial 2 weeks, then you can start adding in low carb days until eventually your body fully adjusts to the low carb diet. The point is to continuously shock your system in order to speed up your metabolism. This is the carb cycle protocol I used:

300-300-300-300 250-200-200-100 100-100-50-50 150-0-0-0

300-300-200-200 200-200-150-50 100-50-100-50

300-300-200-100 200-150-150-50 100-50-50-0

300-250-150-100 200-150-100-50 100-50-0-0

300-200-100-100 150-150-100-50 50-50-0-0

(Measured In Grams)

This protocol is 16 weeks long and each number represents a day in the carb cycle.You start at the top (300g-300g-300g-300g) and each 4-8 days you move down to the next one. The way to determine when you should move on to the next cycle is specifically based on the results along the way. For instance, if your current cycle yields great results repeat it for the following 4 days. If that however does not help you burn fat continue onto the next cycle. Repeat 4-8 days until you reach the last one, by then you should see significant results.

While you are carb cycling cut down your bad fats intake and increase your intake of healthy fats: Olive oil, nuts, oily fish, avocados, whole eggs and flax seed are my go-to’s. This intake of healthy fats will also help you speed up your metabolism. It is also a great source of energy which comes in handy while you are working out. Thus, you exert more energy and burn more calories. Walla!

Personally, I prefer any of the following per serving: 20 nuts, 72g of avocado’s (That’s about ½ a California grown avocado), 2 whole eggs typically in the morning for me since I love breakfast, and lastly one table spoon of olive oil, which you can use for your salads, to cook with, or if you’re a caveman as myself you’ll just mix it in your protein shaker with a serving of protein post workout. Furthermore, sustaining your protein intake at 1.5g per pound of body weight will help you maintain your muscle mass while you lose the body fat.


Cardio is not only a key factor to burning fat and revealing your 6 pack, but more importantly it is essential for a healthy heart. Here are a few way to get your cardio fix:

-Running at 8mph can boost your metabolism by 13.5x and significantly reduce fat.

-Cycling for 30 minutes at a moderate speed can burn close to 400 calories.

-Jump roping can burn 11 calories per minute, do this for 20-30 minutes with rest as needed.


The truth is that nothing will work unless you do! It takes a lot of work, discipline, and patience. So take this goal a day at a time and before you know it you will have the Greek God physique you desire. Just remember you want to yield longterm result so do not expect them over night.

As always, Stay Connected - Stay Active - Stay Fit

-Juan Lugo-

MyFitnessGo™ 💨💨💨

For personalized diets and coaching email Paul here:

Aug 16, 2016

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