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Captain America's Secret tool & Surrounding Yourself With Like-minded People

We have all heard the notion that there are no shortcuts to success whether it's in business, love, or even fitness. However, there is some truth to Captain America's secret in transforming his body. Regardless of the sheer strength and chiseled look he obtained from the chamber, what really gave him an edge was his strength in numbers. He could not win wars without the support of his troops, and as corny as that sounds it's true. Here's what I mean...

There are those who like to work out alone and I finally managed to be one of them after 7 years of consistency but it wasn’t always as easy. Like most people whose personality thrives from the energy of others, I needed that initial push or for a better choice of words, a kick in the ass! When I joined the United States Air Force I was a scrawny 19-year-old kid with a condescending New Yorker grin on my face, I thought I was cool until Uncle Sam taught me otherwise. In 2009, I received an official letter from my Unit Commander stating that I was going to be deployed to a Marine Base in Iraq! My initial reaction was, “This is why I joined the Air Force, so I wouldn’t have to deploy to Iraq”. A few days later I was tasked along with a group of young airmen for pre-deployment training, which took place in the middle of the Nevada desert in some remote military instillation.

For 3 weeks we conducted endless scenarios involving terrorist attacks, target practice, bomb detection, and learning self aid while at combat! By this point it sunk in that I was going to Iraq. Once we landed in Al Asad, Iraq I decided I was going to make the best of my circumstance and use these next few months to really build myself up. After all, we had unlimited access to a 24-hour buffet that served all the essentials for bodybuilding, i.e. chicken, steak, fish, eggs, rice, fruit, veggies, and free protein shakes! It was any bodybuilders dream. I was tasked to do security and had the option between day shift and night shit, I quickly said “night shift Sir”! The Iraqi heat was not pleasant and I knew that the night shift sergeant was a bodybuilding enthusiast.

On our first shift, the sergeant stated that we had to remain fit for combat so he would allow us to go to the gym for an hour and a half if we managed to keep it to ourselves and as long as we kept our weapons safeguarded while working out. Choosing that night shift was the best decision I made while in the service, I didn’t realize it then but it would change the course of my life and it instilled a passion for fitness that was not there before.

Our Dungeon gym

So everyday for about 7-8 months I had the same exact routine, my day would start at 7:30 pm where I’d wake up for dinner, yes dinner. This meal usually consisted of either chicken or steak with rice and broccoli. Then I would shove a few cans of protein shakes in my cargo pocket for the road. Then my 12-hour shift would commence at 9 pm and we’d take turns going to this small gym inside a tent with no mirrors, towel service, the random camel spider crawling around and barely had an A/C unit that we’d occasionally stand in front of between sets to cool off. We loved it, it was known amongst the night shift as the dungeon. The funny part of all this was that we were in charge of security so we carried our assault riffles and machine guns around while working out, and the others working out in the gym would look at us puzzled. I’d simply set my M-240 Bravo machine gun under the bench if I was going to bench press or by my side as I did bicep curls. An hour or so later we’d head back to work and before I knew it the sun was rising and that meant it was time to eat once more before going to bed. At around 10 am I’d go to bed and repeat this cycle everyday.

198 lbs. and ready to go home

Non of this would have not been possible if it weren’t for a few guys in my unit that motivated me and pushed me even when I had nothing else to give. My roommate in Iraq was a 6’4’’ 240 lbs. former Oklahoma State football player named Emilio C. Richardson. This dude was the biggest chatterbox and he would not shut up about how I was too scrawny and how he felt compelled to help me “man up”. I swear I wanted to knock him out the first time we met because he came across as cocky and condescending but over time we became best friends and workout partners. When I first got to Iraq I was 165 lbs. and by the time we were heading home I weighed 198 lbs. Emilio taught me about lifting weights, supplementation, and proper nutrition to reach my fitness goals.


It is extremely difficult to start any journey especially the ones we know will challenge our discipline and our courage. No one else can take the proper steps necessary for you to reach your goals and ultimately succeed but when you surround yourself with like minded individuals it makes the journey seem less daunting. So surround yourself with these people and as always, Stay Connected - Stay Active - Stay Fit.

-Juan Lugo-

MyFitnessGo™ 💨💨💨

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