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Defining a True Hero & The Necessary Will Power to Succeed

If someone asked you to describe how a true hero looks you’d probably imagine a man or woman in a cape with a God like physique. The truth is that true heroes are not defined by their aesthetics but rather by their actions and courage to endure pain and keep pushing forward. They do what they feel is right even when it is difficult. There comes a point where we must realize that in order to achieve greatness we must grow into the person we want to become. What many do not realize is that it often requires a lot of sacrifice and patience. Furthermore, in order to achieve success on a grand scale you must first learn that it begins within our inner circles, we must begin to impact the lives around us. Oftentimes we can become oblivious to the fact that we serve as an inspiration and motivation to those around us. There are many of you out there that are ambitiously chasing a dream or goal that seems impossible to your peers and even to yourself. Many will argue that it is a self-absorbed endeavor, however, as you pursue this goal you become a motivational tool and inspiration for those around you. You are showing them that if they believe in something passionately and work extremely hard at it, success can be obtained. Regardless of the goal you are contributing back to society and helping others achieve their own pursuit of happiness.

Here in Silicon Valley I come across many interesting people, from all walks of life and with compelling stories. This past week I met a man named Gabriel Araiza at a local gas station and within the time we were there we sparked up a conversation and of course it led to fitness. He opened up to me about his fitness journey and all the obstacles he faced along the way. He stated he had lost nearly 100 lbs. in the course of two years! He asserts that over the course of those two years he meal prepped 6 days a week and treated himself one day of the week to a cheat meal. Along with endless hours in a gym either sweating on a treadmill or lifting weight vigorously. He understood that the only way he was going to accomplish this goal was going all in, even if that meant getting up early in the morning to run, taking his vitamins, and supplements to ensure optimal health results.

I was amazed at his accomplishment and how passionate he was about losing another 20 lbs. within the next few months. I was curious to know more about him so I asked what was the defining moment in his life that called for this change? Gabriel stated, “I decided to make a change two years ago for my father who I not only love and respect immeasurably, but I also look up to as a role model. I was tired of looking in the mirror and feeling indifferent about myself. I had been active all my life and before I knew it I was overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle. The turning point in my life that kicked my fitness journey into gear was my fathers passing. I had so much anger and pain in me and no way of releasing it. I felt crushed, as if the world had chewed me up and spit me right out. I felt as if my life was going on a downward spiral so I made a decision to take all this negative energy and turn it into a positive. I remember telling my dad I was going to reach this seemingly impossible goal some day, so he served as my motivation and still does to this day. I'm still on my fitness journey to this day, my starting weight was 335 lbs. currently I weigh 260 lbs.”

My dad will always be my biggest inspiration

MY 2 Cents

I was taken back by Gabriel’s captivating story and was convinced that he serves as an inspiration for others seeking change in their lives… even if he has not realized it.

As always, Stay Connected - Stay Active - Stay Fit.

-Juan Lugo-


In Loving Memory of Gabriel Araiza Sr.1954 ~ 2014

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